The brand design for Kristine & Haily is a portfolio project for an “imaginary” client. When I was brainstorming the strategy and style for this made up client, I wanted to push the limits a little bit and take the normal look for a floral brand and make it unique with a bold color palette and funky patterns.
Out of this, my idea for Kristine & Haily was born: A retro, boho floral brand that specializes in bright floral designs. I love this brand because it shows the possibilities for a design that keeps in line with the “wedding” look, but stands out above the competition because of the unique brand elements.
If you are a business owner looking for a re-brand, think about what you can do to step outside of the “norm” for your industry. The goal is to make your business stand out and make an impression. Don’t be afraid to take that big step and do something you haven’t seen done before!