Services: Branding, Coffee Cups / Sleeves, Showit Website
Industry: Nonprofit / Coffeeshop
Website copy: Eryn Lynum
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Cheers to The Ever House and the launch of their brand and website! The Ever House is a nonprofit that helps young adults who are marginalized and disconnected from educational opportunities or work find a place to thrive. Through their coffeeshop, they have a 1-2 year apprenticeship program where these young adults can gain valuable leadership skills, and find wholeness, healing, community, and purpose.
The Ever House is so much more than just a normal coffeeshop, and it was very important to communicate this through the brand and website. We wanted people to understand that they are making a difference when they enjoy a cup of coffee at The Ever House as well as encourage them to join in their efforts. We also wanted the visuals of the brand to be warm and inviting representing the mission of The Ever House to create a resilient community.
For the main icon, we landed on a hand-drawn illustration of a house with multiple windows to represent that the coffeeshop is a place welcome to anyone, no matter their circumstances. The hand-drawn style of the illustration paired with the vintage floral pattern, and a neutral color palette accented with rust orange and moss green gives the brand a cozy vibe that is not only fitting for a coffeeshop, but further emphasizes their purpose as a nonprofit.
Check out their website and stay tuned for when they officially open their coffeeshop! Josh and Jenai, owners of The Ever House, were a joy to work with. They are so kind and have the biggest hearts to further the kingdom of God and make a difference in their community. It was an honor to work on this project!
I love my job and getting to help business communicate the values and mission of their business through design. If you feel that your branding is lacking, not telling the full story, and holding you back from reaching your goals, reach out to me—I’d be honored to come alongside you in your business journey and help you take that next step!
Reach out to me here to secure a spot on my design calendar!